Sibus | Simplicity in Business ApS
Græsmarken 5, st. th.
DK-2860 Søborg - Denmark
CVR. nr.: DK44467828
Sibus | Simplicity in Business ApS is owned 94,00% by Sibus Group ApS - a limited liability company that operates from the Kingdom of Denmark. The company operates in Denmark, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Austria, Ireland, and England.
Sibus has had a dominant role on the Romanian market since 2014 and is today a leading player and active in 23 Romanian cities.
Last update 01.01.25 CEO Patrick Nordstjærne
CTO Thomas Gustafsson
CSO Nicolai Larsen
Banking details -
IBAN(EUR): LT69 3250 0954 8364 7685
IBAN(USD): LT69 3250 0954 8364 7685
IBAN(DKK): LT69 3250 0954 8364 7685
IBAN(RON): LT69 3250 0954 8364 7685
IBAN(GBP): LT69 3250 0954 8364 7685
IBAN(CAD): LT69 3250 0954 8364 7685
BIC: REVOLT21 / @Revtag: @sibusiiyjy
• 1,00% - CFO Charlotte Johannesen
• 1,00% - Attorney at Law Larisa Vitan
• 0,25% - Attorney at Law Peter Nørtved (H)
• 0,25% - CEO Gianluca Dova
• 0,25% - /
Danish Investor Consortium
Performance shareholders:
• 1,50% - Thomas Gustafsson (IT)
• 0,50% - Laura Gruia (Sales)
• 0,50% - Sebastiana Dragota (Sales)
• 0,25% - Alexandru Matei (IT)
• 0,25% - Irina Kovalenko (Sales)
• 0,25% - Kerem Akıllıoğlu (Sales/Design)
Our popular "Plug-and-Play" online advertising solutions are available in a wide variety of domains.
How we structured our business areas: Here
We invite dialogue and firmly believe that all good things in life starts with a nice conversation. Please let us know how we can help you?